My GMB Vitamin Work a Year Plus ago!!??

Its Thursday and i haven't added to this blog in over a year! So I asked myself what would be a great way to start?

Showing off some antiquated crap!

In the past year, I became a full-fledged GMB trainer, went through some ups and downs, and now I'm back.

Time to kick things into gear and start adding cool crap to this sucker!

Enjoy the video!

If you liked the video and want to enhance your movement ninja moves but can't train with me personally, check out the GMB Vitamin Program!

GMB Fitness - Focused Flexibility


Hypermonkey 1 Min Tip: Lateral QM Strides and Your Handstand

Happy Tuesday Hypermonkeys! Its been a while since I've done a tutorial video for you. So today, I'm coming at you with Lateral QM Strides! This lateral movement pattern is going to you keep your balance as well as to feel the hold on the top end.

The first thing you are going to do is sit into a deep squat and shift your hips side to side so that you can open them up a bit before you start moving.

Start the actual movement pattern by extending your hands and placing them to your sides. You’ll then elevate your hips and land them next to your hands!

Move in both lateral directions and see if you can start driving your hips higher with each pass. Don’t forget that you should do this within the range of your comfort levels!

Finally, see if you can slow the movement at the top end with your hips above your shoulders so you can simulate the handstand hold!

Check out the full video here!

Do you want the quickest way to develop your handstands?
Then go to our Handstand Mastery Course at:



Hypermonkey 1 Min Tip: Reverse Shoulder Roll

Ok Hypermonkeys! For today's 1 Min Tip, I’ll be going over an easy stretch that everybody does, yet with a little more detail than the usual. The move we’ll be working on today is the reverse shoulder roll. It’s probably something you all have done since your school days, in sports, or physical education(if you had it).

The first thing to keep in mind while doing this combo is that your main focus in on the lats and the traps. You want to pay attention to keeping the shoulder neutral and in a relaxed position.

Once you begin your reverse shoulder roll. Pay attention to your arm when it gets behind your back. From personal experience with clients, I found that once they finish getting their hand overhead they completely relax their arm and let it drop behind their back. Lets not try to do that and be more mindful of our movement!

As your bicep lines up with your ear, outstretch up to activate the lat and keep it activated during the rest of the rotation.

Catch the full video here!

Also if you are looking to really develop your foundational range of motion and flexibility for acrobatics, check out the GMB Focused Flexibility program here:

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

Contact us for more info on sessions!

Hypermonkey Acrobatic Attributes – Kickup Coordination and Strength

Allright Hypermonkeys! Today I’ll be showing you a nice way to build up the strength of your kick up into the handstand! Whats great about this move is that its a nice diversion from the usual lead up stunts. It also helps you with your hip-hinging, driving power from the floor, as well as your mindful body feel! The move we’ll be working on is called the Frogger to Banzai Hop from the Gold Medal Bodies Elements Program.

The first thing you want to do is start in a deep squat position and make sure your arms are on the inside of your legs.

Up next, get your arms in a locked position and load them onto the floor. Once you’ve put the load on your hands, drive your hips up and let them fall naturally forward.

Once your legs land, get into an overhead squat position and complete a small hop.

Continue with this combo for about a minute, being mindful about whats happening with your body!

You can catch the action in the video below!

This combo came from the Gold Medal Bodies Elements Program. If you’re interested in delving more into developing your acrobatic foundation go here:

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

Contact us for more info on sessions!

Hypermonkey 1 Min Tip: Wrist Flexibility

Allright Hypermonkeys, for today’s video, we’ll be working on a wrist stretch that can increase your wrist flexibility while at the same time, increasing the strength of the locked arm position.

The first thing you will do is to get into a quadraped position. Make sure that your palms are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips!

Once you feel comfortable and solid, drive you hips towards your palms while keeping them on the floor. Pay attention to your shoulders in relation to your hips and knees.

Rotate your elbows back and engage your lats while you lock out your arms.

This will give you a strong foundation for your upper extremities and will be essential in developing a solid kick-up.

Check out the full 1 min. tip below!

Also if you are looking to really develop your foundational range of motion and flexibility for acrobatics, check out the GMB Focused Flexibility program here:

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

Contact us for more info on sessions!

Hypermonkey “1 Min Tip”: Acrobatic Attributes: A-Frame Leadups

Hey Hypermonkeys! In today’s post, I’m going to be expanding on the A-frame position. Each move in the GMB Elements program works on multiple attributes that one needs to develop for acrobatics.

Specifically today, I’ll be talking about how the A-frame teaches one to utilize the hip while either walking up or kicking up while utilizing the wall!

In the first position, drive up from your hips and try to align your hips above your shoulders. This will make it easier to get into the handstand than creating an arc from your feet to the wall.

If you utilize the same hip drive in the reverse wall handstand, you can create an angle where you can fully extend your legs and really stabilize your body.

Check out the full video below!

Also if you are looking to really develop your foundation in any acrobatic endeavor check out the GMB Elements program here:

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

Contact us for more info on sessions!

Hypermonkey Acrobatic Attributes: Shoulder Opener

Hey Hypermonkeys!

Before i get started on our next update to our Hypermonkey Acrobatics Attributes series, I'd like to talk about a program called Bodyweight Burn. It's a total body workout that will help you build an athletic body while burning the fat. If you can't work with me, this is an inexpensive program that I suggest you try. Now I can sit here and type out a quick review, but I think Steve from Man vs Weight did an excellent review which you can find here. Don't forget to check it out and now on to the Shoulder Opener!

One of the keys to that foundation is to have loose muscles that can react and move in 3d. The Shoulder Opener Stretch is a great way to open up your shoulders and increase mobility to your posterior side while up in an inverted position!

The Shoulder Opener is a great way to open up your rhomboids, traps, scapula, and lats.

One of the key factors to doing the move correctly is to make sure the shoulders stay in a neutral position. You can easily accomplish this by placing your shoulder blades on a wall and using that as a focus point.

Pull one arm across the mid-line of your chest and use the opposing arm to pull it in place. Rather than pressing the arm towards your body, think about pulling your arm to the opposite side.(For my martial arts folks, think sticky hands!)

Here's the 1 min tip for you!

Don’t forget a lot of these great tips were inspired by our friends from Gold Medal Bodies. So if you are looking to really develop your foundational range of motion and flexibility for acrobatics, check out the GMB Focused Flexibility program here:

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

Contact us for more info on sessions!

Hypermonkey Acrobatic Attributes: The A-Frame

Hey Hypermonkeys! As most of you know, I do a bunch of work on Lost Art of Handbalancing we are always looking for ways to sharpshoot the effectiveness ofyour training with handbalancing and luckily we’ve found a great resource from our friends at Gold Medal Bodies. This new set of videos that were inspired by the wealth of information in their foundational programs will simultaneously develop your strength, mobility, and biomechanics needed for acrobatics.

Here is thefirst video in the Acrobatic Attributes Series: The A Frame

The A Frame is a great position to work on in order to build your hip and back strength and mobility. It will teach you how to use your hips for lead up stunts like the kick-up wall handstand or the kick-up in general!

You want to start out in an Athletic Stance and then bring your hands to the floor.

One of the key components you want to pay attention to is the straightening of your legs and back while keeping your biceps by your ears and driving your hip up!


Be sure to check out the full 1 min. tip below.

Also if you are looking to really develop your foundation for anything in your acrobatic skillset check out the GMB Elements program here:

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

Contact us for more info on sessions!