
Hypermonkey 1 Min Tip: Reverse Shoulder Roll

Ok Hypermonkeys! For today's 1 Min Tip, I’ll be going over an easy stretch that everybody does, yet with a little more detail than the usual. The move we’ll be working on today is the reverse shoulder roll. It’s probably something you all have done since your school days, in sports, or physical education(if you had it).

The first thing to keep in mind while doing this combo is that your main focus in on the lats and the traps. You want to pay attention to keeping the shoulder neutral and in a relaxed position.

Once you begin your reverse shoulder roll. Pay attention to your arm when it gets behind your back. From personal experience with clients, I found that once they finish getting their hand overhead they completely relax their arm and let it drop behind their back. Lets not try to do that and be more mindful of our movement!

As your bicep lines up with your ear, outstretch up to activate the lat and keep it activated during the rest of the rotation.

Catch the full video here!

Also if you are looking to really develop your foundational range of motion and flexibility for acrobatics, check out the GMB Focused Flexibility program here: http://www.lostartofhandbalancing.com/go/focusedflexibility/

Try out any of the courses at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website to increase your Inversion Skills!

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