Need a Different Result, Make a Change!


The last entry I posted was about adding weights to your hand balance training. Its a great way to build up the necessary muscles and stimulate the right activation.

But, what do you do if you keep training in the same manner but reach a standstill.

I can get into processes like autoregulation, but I’m going to make this simple and say just change things up!

Take a look at the video below for example. One of the things I focus my training on is boxing. But that's not all I work on. Every now and then I like to mix things up to see what I need to work on and test other things like kickboxing or mma. Throwing yourself in the fire can surprise you sometimes, as long as its within a range you're capable of handling.

Question of the Day: Why am I so short! Lol

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Now lets place this thought into more familiar territory. Handstands.

There was a time when I would spend about 30 min 5-6 days a week on my hand balancing. Not including the periodic times during the day.

Luckily, I have a nice open floor to train without many restrictions, so I had quite a few opportunities to practice my freestanding handstand. Although working on the freestanding handstand is great, constantly working on your bailout isn’t. In other words it doesn’t help if you cant keep the hold.

Whenever I would attempt and start to lose the hold, I would just bail. I could have tried to power through and waste energy, but I try to think of myself as more of technical guy than anything else.

So I decided to test and change things up. I tried variations off the fall, different surfaces, and even stalling from cartwheels.

This creates the dual effect of shocking your body and refreshing your mind. If you ever feel tired and stuck, a small or even big change-up might be what you may need.

Just keep it simple, stay consistent with your training, then alter things now and then. A change will happen!

Stay Ninja!

So in short, look at what your own goals are and see what will work best for your situation.

If you want another way to crosstrain your body, check out the  GMB Vitamin Program!

GMB Fitness - Focused Flexibility